Thursday, 24 February 2011

Multiple Intelligence

As suggested in the Week one ICT Activities, I have undertaken the Multiple Intelligences Test at the Birmingham Grid for Learning Multiple Intelligences Website.

I believe this test has rendered a fairly accurate picture of my strengths and weaknesses and was very pleasantly surprised to have confirmation of my perception of self.

According to the test, I am People Smart, Number Smart, Word Smart and Picture Smart or in other words, have Interpersonal, Logical, Linguistic and Visual/Spatial Intelligences.

Yes, this is me.  I love talking and being with others and am very empathic (I feel your pain).  On the flipside, I am very logical and mathematical, I love puzzles and Mr Spock is my hero.  I love reading and books, spelling comes naturally but I am not a great writer.  I think in pictures/images, can read a map
and love all forms of art and craft.  To provide evidence, I will tell you about myself.  I have Physics and Maths Bachelor Degree and a Diploma in Meteorology.  My career for 14 years was as a Weather Forecaster, analysing maps and writing weather forecasts and communicating with people.

My Kinaesthetic, Naturalistic, Music and Intrapersonal skills are not so developed.

Hmmm, I am clumsy and I could possibly do a wobble just standing still.  I knocked another GDLT student's lunch out of her hands this week. Oops! Yes, I am kinaesthetically challenged.  I took tennis lessons for a while, but while my brain understood the physics of Federer's backhand, my body would just not comply.

My musical skill is non-existent.  I love listening to music and I love singing, but even my children ask me not to sing.  Quite sad really.  I am completely in awe of singers and musicians.

I love nature, walking, hiking and camping and have no trouble understanding it in a scientific and artistic/aesthetic manner but I am a bit scared of animals and things that moths or dogs.  I just don't understand them at all, in a physical sense.

During the residential school, one of the students made the comment that Number Smart and Word Smart don't go together.  In my world (and mind) however, numbers and words are just different languages/patterns/sequences and logic and comprehension go hand in hand.  For me also, the visual is an equally important part of this idea.  A triumvirate, if you will.   I must have a visual image to be able to understand, either in my mind or on paper in front of me.  By writing my ideas down, or taking notes and seeing what I have written, I have another visual input.  If I cannot visualise/imagine then I cannot understand.

How would this information help tailor my learning design?
I need a lot of visual stimulation to achieve optimum learning so I would choose options that would engage me visually.  Perhaps realising that physically, I am not completely aware of my own space , there maybe some strategies that enhance and develop those senses. One might be incorporating some yoga or meditation into my daily routine which potentially would not only help develop my intrapersonal skills but increase my awareness of my own body.  Mathematics and music are linked and maybe exploring the mathematical side of music might be a strategy to increase awareness and understanding.


My results code: nw36dd50204ds

1 comment:

  1. Julienne how did you copy your multiple intelligences chart on to your blog. Maria woodley
